jueves, 25 de octubre de 2018


TABLE_CATALOGnvarchar(128)Table qualifier.
TABLE_SCHEMAnvarchar(128)Name of schema that contains the table.
TABLE_NAMEnvarchar(128)Table name.
COLUMN_NAMEnvarchar(128)Column name.
ORDINAL_POSITIONintColumn identification number.
Note: In SQL Server 2005, these column IDs are consecutive numbers.
COLUMN_DEFAULTnvarchar(4000)Default value of the column.
IS_NULLABLEvarchar(3)Nullability of the column. If this column allows for NULL, this column returns YES. Otherwise, NO is returned.
DATA_TYPEnvarchar(128)System-supplied data type.
CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTHintMaximum length, in characters, for binary data, character data, or text and image data.
-1 for xml and large-value type data. Otherwise, NULL is returned. For more information, see Data Types (Transact-SQL).
CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTHintMaximum length, in bytes, for binary data, character data, or text and image data.
-1 for xml and large-value type data. Otherwise, NULL is returned.
NUMERIC_PRECISIONtinyintPrecision of approximate numeric data, exact numeric data, integer data, or monetary data. Otherwise, NULL is returned.
NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIXsmallintPrecision radix of approximate numeric data, exact numeric data, integer data, or monetary data. Otherwise, NULL is returned.
NUMERIC_SCALEintScale of approximate numeric data, exact numeric data, integer data, or monetary data. Otherwise, NULL is returned.
DATETIME_PRECISIONsmallintSubtype code for datetime and SQL-92 interval data types. For other data types, NULL is returned.
CHARACTER_SET_CATALOGnvarchar(128)Returns master. This indicates the database in which the character set is located, if the column is character data or textdata type. Otherwise, NULL is returned.
CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMAnvarchar(128)Always returns NULL.
CHARACTER_SET_NAMEnvarchar(128)Returns the unique name for the character set if this column is character data or text data type. Otherwise, NULL is returned.
COLLATION_CATALOGnvarchar(128)Always returns NULL.
COLLATION_SCHEMAnvarchar(128)Always returns NULL.
COLLATION_NAMEnvarchar(128)Returns the unique name for the collation if the column is character data or text data type. Otherwise, NULL is returned.
DOMAIN_CATALOGnvarchar(128)If the column is an alias data type, this column is the database name in which the user-defined data type was created. Otherwise, NULL is returned.
DOMAIN_SCHEMAnvarchar(128)If the column is a user-defined data type, this column returns the name of the schema of the user-defined data type. Otherwise, NULL is returned.
DOMAIN_NAMEnvarchar(128)If the column is a user-defined data type, this column is the name of the user-defined data type. Otherwise, NULL is returned.

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