miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2018

número notación cientifica

Dim number As Double = 0.000009
        Dim defaulnumber As String = number.ToString
        Dim numerFromString As String = number.ToString("N6")

        Dim numberFromStringFormat As String = String.Format("{0:F6}", number)

martes, 30 de octubre de 2018


Dim ds As DataSet = get_dataset()

Public Function get_dataset() As DataSet
        Dim con As New SqlConnection(conex)
        Dim adapter As SqlDataAdapter = Nothing
        Dim ds As New DataSet()
        Dim query As String = "query sql"
        Using cmd As New SqlCommand(query, con)
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@parametro1", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = ""
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@parametro2", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = ""
            adapter = New SqlDataAdapter(cmd)
        End Using
        Return ds
    End Function

lunes, 29 de octubre de 2018

Check ListBox


Array vacío (nada)

If array Is Nothing then
End If

Eliminar registro array

Dim variables() As String ={"a","b"}
Dim eliminar As String = "a"

variables = variables.Where(Function(x) x <> eliminar ).ToArray


jueves, 25 de octubre de 2018

mensajes error sql

select * from master.dbo.sysmessages

select * from master.dbo.sysmessages where error=102
select * from master.dbo.sysmessages where msglangid=3082

select @@LANGID

SELECT name, alias
 FROM sys.syslanguages

 SELECT * FROM sys.syslanguages


Descargar dlls



X:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VSTSDB


sqldbtype enum

Public Function value_Type(ByVal sql_dbtype As String) As Integer
        Select Case sql_dbtype
            Case "bigint"
                Return 0
            Case "binary"
                Return 1
            Case "bit"
                Return 2
            Case "char"
                Return 3
            Case "date"
                Return 31
            Case "datetime"
                Return 4
            Case "datetime2"
                Return 33
            Case "datetimeoffset"
                Return 34
            Case "decimal"
                Return 5
            Case "float"
                Return 6
            Case "image"
                Return 7
            Case "int"
                Return 8
            Case "money"
                Return 9
            Case "nchar"
                Return 10
            Case "ntext"
                Return 11
            Case "nvarchar"
                Return 12
            Case "real"
                Return 13
            Case "smalldatetime"
                Return 15
            Case "smallint"
                Return 16
            Case "smallmoney"
                Return 17
            Case "structured"
                Return 30
            Case "text"
                Return 18
            Case "time"
                Return 32
            Case "timestamp"
                Return 19
            Case "tinyint"
                Return 20
            Case "udt"
                Return 29
            Case "uniqueidentifier"
                Return 14
            Case "varbinary"
                Return 21
            Case "varchar"
                Return 22
            Case "variant"
                Return 23
            Case "xml"
                Return 25
            Case Else
                Return -1
        End Select
    End Function



TABLE_CATALOGnvarchar(128)Table qualifier.
TABLE_SCHEMAnvarchar(128)Name of schema that contains the table.
TABLE_NAMEnvarchar(128)Table name.
COLUMN_NAMEnvarchar(128)Column name.
ORDINAL_POSITIONintColumn identification number.
Note: In SQL Server 2005, these column IDs are consecutive numbers.
COLUMN_DEFAULTnvarchar(4000)Default value of the column.
IS_NULLABLEvarchar(3)Nullability of the column. If this column allows for NULL, this column returns YES. Otherwise, NO is returned.
DATA_TYPEnvarchar(128)System-supplied data type.
CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTHintMaximum length, in characters, for binary data, character data, or text and image data.
-1 for xml and large-value type data. Otherwise, NULL is returned. For more information, see Data Types (Transact-SQL).
CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTHintMaximum length, in bytes, for binary data, character data, or text and image data.
-1 for xml and large-value type data. Otherwise, NULL is returned.
NUMERIC_PRECISIONtinyintPrecision of approximate numeric data, exact numeric data, integer data, or monetary data. Otherwise, NULL is returned.
NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIXsmallintPrecision radix of approximate numeric data, exact numeric data, integer data, or monetary data. Otherwise, NULL is returned.
NUMERIC_SCALEintScale of approximate numeric data, exact numeric data, integer data, or monetary data. Otherwise, NULL is returned.
DATETIME_PRECISIONsmallintSubtype code for datetime and SQL-92 interval data types. For other data types, NULL is returned.
CHARACTER_SET_CATALOGnvarchar(128)Returns master. This indicates the database in which the character set is located, if the column is character data or textdata type. Otherwise, NULL is returned.
CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMAnvarchar(128)Always returns NULL.
CHARACTER_SET_NAMEnvarchar(128)Returns the unique name for the character set if this column is character data or text data type. Otherwise, NULL is returned.
COLLATION_CATALOGnvarchar(128)Always returns NULL.
COLLATION_SCHEMAnvarchar(128)Always returns NULL.
COLLATION_NAMEnvarchar(128)Returns the unique name for the collation if the column is character data or text data type. Otherwise, NULL is returned.
DOMAIN_CATALOGnvarchar(128)If the column is an alias data type, this column is the database name in which the user-defined data type was created. Otherwise, NULL is returned.
DOMAIN_SCHEMAnvarchar(128)If the column is a user-defined data type, this column returns the name of the schema of the user-defined data type. Otherwise, NULL is returned.
DOMAIN_NAMEnvarchar(128)If the column is a user-defined data type, this column is the name of the user-defined data type. Otherwise, NULL is returned.

Nombre de las columnas DataRow

For Each dr As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows

' Verificar si existen registros
If ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
End If

lunes, 22 de octubre de 2018

Crear archivo

Public Class Form1

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

        Dim txt As New List(Of String)

        Dim config() As String = {"10,4,3,33",
                                  "2,8,20,venta al x mayor",
                                  "5,4,13,otra línea",
                                  "7,1,5,razón social",
                                  "8,7,7, dirección",
                                  "1,9,12,correo electrónico"}

        Dim linea As String = ""
        Dim fila As Integer = 0
        Dim columna As Integer = 0
        Dim largo As Integer = 0
        Dim dato As String

        For Each x In config
            fila = x.Split(",")(0)
            columna = x.Split(",")(1)
            largo = x.Split(",")(2)
            dato = x.Split(",")(3)

            x = x.Split(",")(0)

            ' Crear línea
            Dim n As Integer = txt.Count
            For i As Integer = n To x - 1

            ' Crear dato
            Dim c As Char = Nothing
            Dim tmp_dato As String = ""
            If txt(x - 1) = "" Then

                dato = dato.PadRight(largo)

                For i As Integer = 0 To largo - 1
                    tmp_dato = tmp_dato & dato(i)

                For j As Integer = 0 To columna - 1
                    linea = linea & " "

                linea = linea & tmp_dato


                txt(x - 1) = linea

                'Dim largo_linea As Integer = linea.Length
                Dim existe As Boolean = False
                For i As Integer = 0 To linea.Length - 1
                    If i = columna Then
                        existe = True
                    End If

                If existe = False Then

                End If
                Dim pause As String = ""
            End If
    End Sub
End Class

Imports System.Text

Public Class Form1

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

        Dim txt As New List(Of String)

        Dim config() As String = {"1,1,5,33",
                                  "5,4,13,otra línea",
                                  "7,1,5,razón social",
                                  "9,9,21,correo electrónico",
                                  "14,56,100,esto es una prueba",

        ' "9,91,20,correo electrónico",

        Dim linea As String = ""
        Dim fila As Integer = 0
        Dim columna As Integer = 0
        Dim largo As Integer = 0
        Dim dato As String

        For Each x In config
            fila = x.Split(",")(0)
            columna = x.Split(",")(1)
            largo = x.Split(",")(2)
            dato = x.Split(",")(3)

            x = x.Split(",")(0)

            ' Crear línea
            Dim n As Integer = txt.Count
            For i As Integer = n To x - 1

            ' Crear dato
            Dim c As Char = Nothing
            Dim tmp_dato As String = ""
            If txt(x - 1) = "" Then

                dato = dato.PadRight(largo)

                For i As Integer = 0 To largo - 1
                    tmp_dato = tmp_dato & dato(i) ' parte de 1,2...

                If columna = 1 Then
                    linea = linea & ""
                    For j As Integer = 0 To columna - 1
                        linea = linea & " "

                End If

                Dim tmp As String = ""
                Dim k As Integer = 0
                If columna = 1 Then
                    tmp = linea & tmp_dato
                    For Each c In linea
                        If k = columna - 1 Then
                            tmp = tmp & tmp_dato
                            Exit For
                            tmp = tmp & c
                        End If
                        k += 1
                End If

                'Dim bytes As Byte() = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(tmp)
                'tmp = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes)

                'tmp = Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1").GetString(Encoding.Convert(Encoding.UTF8, Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1"), Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(tmp)))

                Dim n1 As Integer = tmp.Length
                n1 = New System.Globalization.StringInfo(tmp).LengthInTextElements

                'linea = linea & tmp_dato
                linea = tmp
                txt(x - 1) = linea
                linea = ""
                linea = txt(x - 1)
                Dim total As Integer = columna + largo
                Dim largo_linea As Integer = linea.Length

                If largo_linea < total Then
                    For i As Integer = largo_linea To total - 1
                        linea = linea & " "

                    dato = dato.PadRight(largo)
                    For i As Integer = 0 To largo - 1
                        tmp_dato = tmp_dato & dato(i)
                    ' Agregar dato
                    Dim tmp As String = Nothing
                    Dim k As Integer = 0
                    For Each c In linea

                        If k = columna - 1 Then
                            tmp = tmp & tmp_dato
                            Exit For
                            tmp = tmp & c
                        End If
                        k += 1
                    txt(x - 1) = tmp

                End If

                linea = ""

                Dim pause As String = ""

            End If
        ' archivo
        System.IO.File.WriteAllLines("archivo.txt", txt.ToArray, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)
        'System.IO.File.WriteAllLines("archivo.txt", txt.ToArray, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1"))


    End Sub
End Class

versión 3
Imports System.Text

Public Class Form1

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

        Dim txt As New List(Of String)

        Dim config() As String = {"1,1,20,TipoDTE:33",
                                  "2,1,10,Folio  :5778",
                                  "5,4,13,otra línea",
                                  "7,1,5,razón social",
                                  "9,9,21,correo electrónico",
        "11,56,100,esto es una prueba",
        "12,36,45,juan perez",

        Dim linea As String = ""
        Dim fila As Integer = 0
        Dim columna As Integer = 0
        Dim largo As Integer = 0
        Dim dato As String

        For Each x In config
            fila = x.Split(",")(0)
            columna = x.Split(",")(1)
            largo = x.Split(",")(2)
            dato = x.Split(",")(3)

            x = x.Split(",")(0)

            ' Crear línea
            Dim n As Integer = txt.Count
            For i As Integer = n To x - 1

            ' Crear dato
            Dim c As Char = Nothing
            Dim tmp_dato As String = ""
            If txt(x - 1) = "" Then

                dato = dato.PadRight(largo)

                For i As Integer = 0 To largo - 1
                    tmp_dato = tmp_dato & dato(i) ' parte de 1,2...

                If columna = 1 Then
                    linea = linea & ""
                    For j As Integer = 0 To columna - 1
                        linea = linea & " "

                End If

                Dim tmp As String = ""
                Dim k As Integer = 0
                If columna = 1 Then
                    tmp = linea & tmp_dato
                    For Each c In linea
                        If k = columna - 1 Then
                            tmp = tmp & tmp_dato
                            Exit For
                            tmp = tmp & c
                        End If
                        k += 1
                End If
                'linea = linea & tmp_dato
                linea = tmp
                txt(x - 1) = linea
                linea = ""
                linea = txt(x - 1)
                Dim total As Integer = columna + largo
                Dim largo_linea As Integer = linea.Length

                If largo_linea < total Then
                    For i As Integer = largo_linea To total - 1
                        linea = linea & " "

                    dato = dato.PadRight(largo)
                    For i As Integer = 0 To largo - 1
                        tmp_dato = tmp_dato & dato(i)
                    ' Agregar dato
                    Dim tmp As String = Nothing
                    Dim k As Integer = 0
                    For Each c In linea

                        If k = columna - 1 Then
                            tmp = tmp & tmp_dato
                            Exit For
                            tmp = tmp & c
                        End If
                        k += 1
                    txt(x - 1) = tmp

                End If

                linea = ""
                Dim pause As String = ""
            End If
        ' archivo
        System.IO.File.WriteAllLines("archivo.txt", txt.ToArray, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(1252))
        'System.IO.File.WriteAllLines("archivo.txt", txt.ToArray, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1"))


    End Sub
End Class

Imports System.Text

Public Class Form1

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

        Dim txt As New List(Of String)

        Dim config() As String = {"1,30,10,TipoDTE:33",
                                  "2,5,20,Folio  :5778",
        '"5,4,13,otra línea",
        '"7,1,5,razón social",
        '"9,9,21,correo electrónico",
        '"11,56,100,esto es una prueba",
        '"12,36,45,juan perez",

        Dim linea As String = ""
        Dim fila As Integer = 0
        Dim columna As Integer = 0
        Dim largo As Integer = 0
        Dim dato As String

        For Each x In config
            fila = x.Split(",")(0)
            columna = x.Split(",")(1)
            largo = x.Split(",")(2)
            dato = x.Split(",")(3)

            x = x.Split(",")(0)

            ' Crear línea
            Dim n As Integer = txt.Count
            For i As Integer = n To x - 1

            ' Crear dato
            Dim c As Char = Nothing
            Dim tmp_dato As String = ""
            If txt(x - 1) = "" Then

                dato = dato.PadRight(largo)

                For i As Integer = 0 To largo - 1
                    tmp_dato = tmp_dato & dato(i) ' parte de 1,2...

                If columna = 1 Then
                    linea = linea & ""
                    For j As Integer = 0 To columna - 1
                        linea = linea & " "

                End If

                Dim tmp As String = ""
                Dim k As Integer = 0
                If columna = 1 Then
                    tmp = linea & tmp_dato
                    For Each c In linea
                        If k = columna - 1 Then
                            tmp = tmp & tmp_dato
                            Exit For
                            tmp = tmp & c
                        End If
                        k += 1
                End If
                'linea = linea & tmp_dato
                linea = tmp
                txt(x - 1) = linea
                linea = ""
                linea = txt(x - 1)
                Dim total As Integer = columna + largo
                Dim largo_linea As Integer = linea.Length

                If largo_linea < total Then
                    For i As Integer = largo_linea To total - 1
                        linea = linea & " "

                    dato = dato.PadRight(largo)
                    For i As Integer = 0 To largo - 1
                        tmp_dato = tmp_dato & dato(i)
                    ' Agregar dato
                    Dim tmp As String = Nothing
                    Dim k As Integer = 0
                    For Each c In linea

                        If k = columna - 1 Then
                            tmp = tmp & tmp_dato
                            Exit For
                            tmp = tmp & c
                        End If
                        k += 1
                    txt(x - 1) = tmp
                    ' ya existe una línea con suficiente espacio
                    dato = dato.PadRight(largo)
                    For i As Integer = 0 To largo - 1
                        tmp_dato = tmp_dato & dato(i)

                    Dim tmp As String = Nothing
                    'Dim k As Integer = 0
                    'Dim j As Integer = 0
                    Dim z As Integer = 0
                    Dim tmp_linea() As Char = linea.ToCharArray
                    For i As Integer = 0 To linea.Length - 1

                        If i = columna - 1 Then

                            For j As Integer = i To i + largo - 1
                                tmp_linea(j) = tmp_dato(z)
                                z += 1
                        End If
                        If z = largo Then
                            Exit For
                        End If

                    txt(x - 1) = New String(tmp_linea)

                    Dim pause2 As String = ""

                End If

                linea = ""
                Dim pause As String = ""
                End If
        ' archivo
        System.IO.File.WriteAllLines("archivo.txt", txt.ToArray, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(1252))
        'System.IO.File.WriteAllLines("archivo.txt", txt.ToArray, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1"))


    End Sub
End Class

viernes, 19 de octubre de 2018

ordenar lista de tuplas

Versión 1
Dim elem As New List(Of String)
Dim a As Integer
        Dim b As Integer
        Dim temp As String
        Dim c As Integer = -1
        For i As Integer = 0 To elem.Count - 1
            c += 1
            For j As Integer = c To elem.Count - 1
                a = elem(i).Split(",")(0)
                b = elem(j).Split(",")(0)

                If b < a Then
                    temp = elem(i)
                    elem(i) = elem(j)
                    elem(j) = temp
                End If

Versión 2
Dim elem As New List(Of String)
 Dim sep As Char = ","
        Dim a As Integer
        Dim b As Integer
        Dim temp As String
        Dim c As Integer = -1
        For i As Integer = 0 To elem.Count - 1
            c += 1
            For j As Integer = c To elem.Count - 1
                a = elem(i).Split(sep)(0)
                b = elem(j).Split(sep)(0)

                If b < a Then
                    temp = elem(i)
                    elem(i) = elem(j)
                    elem(j) = temp
                ElseIf b = a Then
                    a = elem(i).Split(sep)(1)
                    b = elem(j).Split(sep)(1)
                    If b < a Then
                        temp = elem(i)
                        elem(i) = elem(j)
                        elem(j) = temp
                    End If

                End If

opciones datagrid


miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2018

Certificación regex Casos

 If System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(linea, "^((CASO[ ]{1,})\d+-1)+$") Then
 End If

Dim x As String = "^(CASO[ ]{1,}" & numero_de_atencion & "-1)" & "+$"


martes, 16 de octubre de 2018

sql conexión

Dim query As String =""
Dim con As New SqlConnection(conex)

Using cmd As New SqlCommand(query, con)
                    cmd.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.Char).Value = ""
End Using

Catch ex As Exception
End Try

martes, 9 de octubre de 2018

Resetear combobox


Repartir folios

Private Sub btnRepartirFolios_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnRepartirFolios.Click

        Dim lista As New ArrayList

        Dim folios As Integer = 76
        Dim porcentaje As Integer

        Dim sucursales() As String = File.ReadAllLines("suc.txt")
        Dim cantidad_sucursales As Integer = sucursales.Length

        Dim restante As Integer = folios
        Dim total_folios As Integer
        Dim p As Integer
        For Each x In sucursales
            p = x.Split(";")(0)

           porcentaje = Math.Truncate(folios * (p / 100))

            If p > 0 AndAlso porcentaje = 0 Then
                porcentaje = 1
            End If
            restante = restante - porcentaje
            total_folios = total_folios + porcentaje
            porcentaje = 0
        If restante >= 0 Then
            While restante > 0
                restante -= 1
            End While
        End If
        Dim pause As String = ""
    End Sub

miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2018

Dejar aplicación en administrador de tareas

 Imports System.Reflection

Private Declare Function ShowWindow Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, ByVal nCmdShow As Integer) As Boolean

Public Shared Sub HideWindow()
        Dim SW_HIDE As Integer = 0
        For Each pr As Process In Process.GetProcesses
            If pr.ProcessName.Contains("AcroRd32") Then
                'Int32 hWnd = pr.MainWindowHandle.ToInt32();
                ShowWindow(pr.MainWindowHandle, SW_HIDE)
            End If

    End Sub

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
 End Sub


martes, 2 de octubre de 2018


(CAF-3-517) RECHAZO- CAF Vencido : (Firma_DTE[AAAA-MM-DD] - CAF[AAAA-MM-DD]) > 18 meses. A partir del 01.07.2018 el plazo será de 6 meses

lunes, 1 de octubre de 2018

Función validar números

Public Function validateNumeric(ByVal cod As String) As Boolean
        Return System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(cod, "^[0-9]+$")
    End Function