viernes, 15 de diciembre de 2017

Servicio modo debug


#If DEBUG Then
        Dim x As New Service1
#End If

' The main entry point for the process
    <MTAThread()> _
    <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCode()> _
    Shared Sub Main()

#If DEBUG Then
        Dim debug_service As New Service1

        Dim ServicesToRun() As System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase

        ' More than one NT Service may run within the same process. To add
        ' another service to this process, change the following line to
        ' create a second service object. For example,
        '   ServicesToRun = New System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase () {New Service1, New MySecondUserService}
        ServicesToRun = New System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase() {New Service1}

#End If
    End Sub

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